Idyll Wild Rhubarb Soda

Idyll Wild Rhubarb Soda
Utilising one of the UK’s most popular heritage crops, we have created a refreshing take on the classic cream soda.
We lengthen rhubarb juice sourced from small regenerative UK farms with a meadowsweet infusion, a quintessential wild British plant.Meadowsweet has a sweet aroma, reminiscent of freshly cut hay and bourbon vanilla.
It pairs beautifully with the acidity of the rhubarb. This is a sophisticated soda that pairs particularly well with vermouths and bitters.
About Idyll
Idyll is all about rewilding drinks. In its most fundamental sense this means acknowledging how co-dependent we are on nature, particularly in the hospitality industry. At the heart of idyll are key concepts such as rewilding, regenerative farming and sustainable foraging.
Volume: 250ml